Friday, June 02, 2006

1/2 MDeeeeelicous!

Sweet! I just finished up my final exam of year two. That puts me half way to being able to write prescriptions. If that doesn't make you lose sleep at night, I don't know what will!

My brain was totally fried yesterday, so as I puttered in blatant avoidance of studying, I had a chance to pick up some more goodies for the trip. Another trip to MEC was in order, of course, and I found some new handy things for eating on the go: a utensil set and a magical plastic origami-like folding multidish.

I also gave a trial run to using my new favourite scarf as a head wrap. Word on the street is that women are asked to cover their hair when visiting mosques out of respect. I'm cool with that, but boy oh boy do I ever look bizarre with my hair invisible.

PS - Andrew: I chose to go with a different hit counter that had more features, so I can stalkersishly monitor who's visiting from where, and stop counting my hits. The original counter was up so high because I kept checking the page for new comments etc. The current value is a better reflection of just how popular this page is :O)


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