Sunday, June 04, 2006

And now for something completely different!

Here is a little tidbit that has absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming trip; I just wanted to share. I was having some troubles with my new (used) Sigur Ros album as it felt the need to skip like nobody's business. The solution for surface scratches on my CD laid in a bottle of wood duster: Endust. A little wipe down with a lint-free cloth and some Endust, followed by a plain water wipe... and voila! I can now rock out in Icelandic without it sounding like a poorly-done eighties remix. Apparently any mild household abrasives will do the same.

Robin and I went for some adventures at the mall yesterday. I picked up my paper tickets for my flights, so things are feeling very official. I also picked up some appropriately conservative yet breathable clothes to be worn in Turkey and beyond. Oh, and lest we forget the 2' piece of chain for lashing my backpack to assorted inanimate objects whilst I'm traipsing about assorted cities.



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