Friday, June 16, 2006


Terrible pun, I know, but I dared not start title yet another post "Adventures in..."
We had a lovely relaxed evening last night. After a nice walk and a visit to the supermarket, we caught the local BBC news on the telly. I happened to notice in the TV guide that the British Royal Marines were performing a televised beat retreat in honour of Prince Phillip's 85th birthday. It was SPECTACULAR! I got all misty-eyed when they played The Globe & Laurel, Royal Salute and Life on the Ocean Wave.
Today I took off with camera in hand to capture some of Romsey's sights:
99 The Hundred, my home in Romsey
Tea in the Maddicks' lovely garden

Bruce Maddick waters the lawn, complete with darling hat and "wellies"

Gravestones by Romsey Abbey, built 960 AD. Apparently the local townspeople pooled together the resources to buy back the church's contents that had been pillaged by King Henry VIII, something they're very proud of!

Romsey Abbey School, where Jane and her brothers went as children


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